Seven segment Displays
Program for Driving four 7-segment Displays
In this example, constant value in data array is displayed on 7-segment display
module ilk_verilog( grounds, display, clk); output logic [3:0] grounds; output logic [6:0] display; input clk; logic [3:0] data [3:0] ; //number to be printed on display logic [1:0] count; //which data byte to display. logic [25:0] clk1; always_ff @(posedge clk1[15]) //25 slow //19 wavy //15 perfect begin grounds<={grounds[2:0],grounds[3]}; count<=count+1; //which hex digit to display end always_ff @(posedge clk) clk1<=clk1+1; always_comb case(data[count]) 0:display=7'b1111110; //starts with a, ends with g 1:display=7'b0110000; 2:display=7'b1101101; 3:display=7'b1111001; 4:display=7'b0110011; 5:display=7'b1011011; 6:display=7'b1011111; 7:display=7'b1110000; 8:display=7'b1111111; 9:display=7'b1111011; 'ha:display=7'b1110111; 'hb:display=7'b0011111; 'hc:display=7'b1001110; 'hd:display=7'b0111101; 'he:display=7'b1001111; 'hf:display=7'b1000111; default display=7'b1111111; endcase initial begin data[0]=4'h1; data[1]=4'h9; data[2]=4'ha; data[3]=4'hc; count = 2'b0; grounds=4'b1110; clk1=0; end endmodule
In the second example, 16 bit data coming from other devices (any registers of CPU or any input device) via the input variable din is displayed on a 7-segment display
module ilk_verilog( din, grounds, display, clk); input logic [15:0] din; output logic [3:0] grounds; output logic [6:0] display; input clk; logic [3:0] data [3:0] ; //number to be printed on display logic [1:0] count; //which data byte to display. logic [25:0] clk1; always_ff @(posedge clk1[15]) //25 slow //19 wavy //15 perfect begin grounds<={grounds[2:0],grounds[3]}; count<=count+1; end always_ff @(posedge clk) clk1<=clk1+1; always_comb case(data[count]) 0:display=7'b1111110; //starts with a, ends with g 1:display=7'b0110000; 2:display=7'b1101101; 3:display=7'b1111001; 4:display=7'b0110011; 5:display=7'b1011011; 6:display=7'b1011111; 7:display=7'b1110000; 8:display=7'b1111111; 9:display=7'b1111011; 'ha:display=7'b1110111; 'hb:display=7'b0011111; 'hc:display=7'b1001110; 'hd:display=7'b0111101; 'he:display=7'b1001111; 'hf:display=7'b1000111; default display=7'b1111111; endcase always_comb begin data[0]=din[15:12]; data[1]=din[11:8]; data[2]=din[7:4]; data[3]=din[3:0]; end initial begin count = 2'b0; grounds=4'b1110; clk1=0; end endmodule
In FPGA, do a calculator which take its input from two 8-bit dip-switches and a 4-bit dip-switch and write its output to two 7-segment displays in hexadecimal format. Do the same for decimal format with 3 7-segment displays. Is debouncing important for such a circuit?