It is quite possible to increase the number of registers of reptile to 8 without compromising on any other specification. If you remember our previous lectures, the main limiting factor on the number of registers of reptile was the ALU instruction. There are three varieties of the ALU instruction:
If the number of registers are increased from 4 to 8, r1, r2 and r3 fields will widen from 2 to 3 bits. While this will not create any problems for the first two formats, three-bit register fields will not fit into the third format.
Machine Code Format for LDI
LDI r,x
Machine Code Format for INC and DEC
INC r1
Machine Code Format for MOV and NOT
MOV r1 r2
Machine Code Format for ADD, SUB, AND, OR, XOR
ADD r1 r2 r3
Machine Code Format for LD
LD r1 r2
Machine Code Format for ST
ST r1 r2
Machine Code Format for JMP
Machine Code Format for JZ
JZ x
Reptile Verilog Code
//Reptile design with 8 Registers. // This module also sents register #0 to main module as an output module reptile ( input clk, input [15:0] data_in, output [15:0] data_out, output logic [11:0] address, output memwt, output [15:0] reg0 ); logic [11:0] pc, ir; //program counter, instruction register logic [4:0] state; //FSM logic [15:0] regbank [7:0];//registers logic zeroflag; //zero flag register logic [15:0] result; //output for result localparam FETCH=4'b0000, LDI=4'b0001, LD=4'b0010, ST=4'b0011, JZ=4'b0100, JMP=4'b0101, ALU=4'b0111; logic zeroresult; //zeroflag value always_ff @(posedge clk) case(state) FETCH: begin if ( data_in[15:12]==JZ) // if instruction is jz if (zeroflag) //and if last bit of 7th register is 0 then jump to jump instruction state state <= JMP; else state <= FETCH; //stay here to catch next instruction else state <= data_in[15:12]; //read instruction opcode and jump the state of the instruction to be read ir<=data_in[11:0]; //read instruction details into instruction register pc<=pc+1; //increment program counter end LDI: begin regbank[ ir[2:0] ] <= data_in; //if inst is LDI get the destination register number from ir and move the data in it. pc<=pc+1; //for next instruction (32 bit instruction) state <= FETCH; end LD: begin regbank[ir[2:0]] <= data_in; state <= FETCH; end ST: begin state <= FETCH; end JMP: begin pc <= pc+ir; state <= FETCH; end ALU: begin regbank[ir[2:0]]<=result; zeroflag<=zeroresult; state <= FETCH; end endcase always_comb case (state) LD: address=regbank[ir[5:3]][11:0]; ST: address=regbank[ir[5:3]][11:0]; default: address=pc; endcase assign memwt=(state==ST); assign data_out = regbank[ir[8:6]]; always_comb case (ir[11:9]) 3'h0: result = regbank[ir[8:6]]+regbank[ir[5:3]]; //000 3'h1: result = regbank[ir[8:6]]-regbank[ir[5:3]]; //001 3'h2: result = regbank[ir[8:6]]®bank[ir[5:3]]; //010 3'h3: result = regbank[ir[8:6]]|regbank[ir[5:3]]; //011 3'h4: result = regbank[ir[8:6]]^regbank[ir[5:3]]; //100 3'h7: case (ir[8:6]) 3'h0: result = !regbank[ir[5:3]]; 3'h1: result = regbank[ir[5:3]]; 3'h2: result = regbank[ir[5:3]]+1; 3'h3: result = regbank[ir[5:3]]-1; default: result=16'h0000; endcase default: result=16'h0000; endcase assign zeroresult = ~|result; assign reg0=regbank[0]; initial begin; state=FETCH; zeroflag=0; pc=0; end endmodule
Main Module for Reptile
//This module sents Register #0 to seven segment display module top_module (grounds, display, clk, pushbutton,led); input pushbutton; output [3:0] grounds; output [6:0] display; input clk; output led; // memory chip logic [15:0] memory [0:127]; // cpu's input-output pins logic [11:0] pc; //for debugging logic [15:0] data_out; logic [15:0] data_in; logic [11:0] address; logic memwt; logic [15:0] reg0; assign led=memwt; //check memory write signal works or not. For debugging //instantiation of cpu reptile rr1 (.data_in(data_in), .data_out(data_out), .clk(~pushbutton), .memwt(memwt), .address(address),.reg0(reg0)); //instantiation of seven segment sevensegment ss1 (.grounds(grounds), .display(display), .clk(clk), .datain(reg0)); assign data_in=memory[address]; always_ff @(posedge clk) if (memwt==1) memory[address]<=data_out; initial begin $readmemh("ram.dat", memory); end endmodule