Category: CSE417
//mammal CPU module mammal ( input clk, input [15:0] data_in, output logic [15:0] data_out, output logic [11:0] address, output memwt, input INT, output intack );…
Comments closedIn this section, we will construct a complete ecosystem around the bird CPU in SystemVerilog. We will do this by writing a verilog module which…
Comments closedIt is quite possible to increase the number of registers of reptile to 8 without compromising on any other specification. If you remember our previous…
Comments closedReptile-4 FSM Reptile-4 Hardware Reptile memory connection Reptile-4 FSM with Control Signals Reptile Control Unit We must have as many lines as the number…
Comments closedOverview A compiler can be loosely defined as a program that transforms other programs. Usually, a program written in a high-level programming language is transformed…
Comments closedMachine Description The first step in adding a backend to GCC is to inform GCC about the instructions in our machine’s ISA by providing a…
Comments closedSDR SDRAM Controller SDRAM controller signals output logic [12:0] o_dram_addr: Mainly used to give the column address or the row address to SDRAM. inout [15:0]…
Comments closedOur processor has an 12-bit address bus, hence can potentially address any memory location in the 000-FFF range. Let us indicate this by the following…
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